Joshua Bell 的个人资料

UMBC - Book Cover Series

For The Eyre Affair, I chose to have the cover appear as though Jane had been ripped out of the cover of Jane Eyre since Jane was kidnapped from the book within this story. I found an old painting of a scene from Jane Eyre, printed it out, and physically ripped her out of it. After a few tries, I got the effect I wanted. I then inserted part of the first page of Jane Eyre behind the hole where should be. I'm rather pleased with the result.
I used the concept of being lost quite literally and this simple concept bloomed from that notion. With just a little perspective warping and blurring, the letters fit right in.
I had debated including words in the waves, but they simply looked out of place, especially when I compared the resulting picture to the other, more photo-realistic shots. I decided to nix the words and just go with the initial wave photo I was using.
Since Hamlet was sent to therapy in this book, I decided to play on that premise. I decided to have the iconic skull of Yorrick be in therapy in stead, showing the lightheartedness of the book.
UMBC - Book Cover Series

UMBC - Book Cover Series

A project I had done for the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. The assignment was to design the book covers for a series of books, either 阅读更多内容

