In April of 2019, while in the throws of earning my degree, working full time, and less than 6 months into being a dad, I saw the 36 Days of Type challenge and thought it would be a fun thing to add to my plate. 

I was was fun. That being said, I didn't get through the whole challenge as my time got cut even shorter than it was with my classes, my family, and my work requiring extra of me around that same time. 

I am finally posting the 9 letters I did finish and post for the fun of sharing and the hopes of jumping back on it in 2020 and doing better than I did in 2019. 

36 Days of Type Attempt 2019
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36 Days of Type Attempt 2019

My attempt at completing the 2019 36 Days of Type Challenge. **spoiler alert...I didn't finish**

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