a movement for all

The following campaign was my final project for my degree qualification in Graphic Design.

The reason for selecting Feminism as a topic came about through social interaction revealing that whenever the topic of Feminism is brought up, people tend to stereotype or make jokes about the movement. These events were what prompted further investigation into the topic, resulting in identifying this social problem. Through primary research, I identified a the problem that there appears to be a misunderstanding of the term Feminism amongst men and women in Durban, South Africa. Due to this misunderstanding, there are negative perceptions of the movement. The chosen target audience has been determined to be women and men between the ages of 18 and 24, living in Durban South Africa.

The aim of this Feminism awareness campaign is to educate the target audience on what Feminism means, in doing so, changing negative perceptions and stereotypes of the movement. The Feminism awareness campaign aims to achieve this by creating a campaign that’s concept is to be inclusive. For the underlying message throughout all the deliverables being inclusivity, that everyone is included in Feminism. This has been done through a more light-hearted approach, due to other Feminism-focused campaigns being quite sarcastic and angry. Taking a different tone and approach, creating humour and lightheartedness through the use of illustration, typography and a bright colour palette.


An integrated campaign that uses illustration and typography to create awareness on what Feminism means. Taking a humorous and light-hearted appr Läs mer
