Profil użytkownika „Physical Gold”

How to make the right gold investments

How to make the right gold investments when creating a portfolio-this video from Physical Gold teaches you the basics
Buying gold for your investment portfolio isn’t simply about picking up a bunch of gold coins and bars. An unplanned approach will almost certainly get you the wrong results and you may be stuck with gold that ends up devaluing your portfolio. In an attempt to educate investors, Physical Gold, a highly reputed UK gold broker has published a video learning tool that iterates the process well. In the video, investors are guided through a step-by-step method.

Daniel Fisher, CEO of the company anchors the video and tells investors that conducting their own research is an essential precursor to the buying process. Once thorough research has been conducted, it’s time to select a well reputed gold broker. It is important to select a broker who has been in business for a certain number of years with a clean track record. The company should also have good customer reviews and most importantly, be registered with a regulatory body like the BNTA.

The next step is to discuss investment objectives with the broker and a choice can be made from three solutions available in the market. Gold can be added to a SIP pension plan. However, this option may only suit investors with larger budgets and a long time horizon. Non-pension approaches to gold investing include regular small investments or investing a set amount of money in gold coins and bars. Guidance from the broker is essential in making the right selection. Regular investments work well for smaller investors who can invest in a monthly saver plan, like the one available from Physical Gold.

Daniel also talks about the importance of storage and delivery. Many investors prefer to take physical delivery of their gold, however secure storage can also be arranged with the dealer itself. When choosing the latter option, it’s important to ensure that the gold is segregated and ring-fenced securely away from other gold that’s held in the vault. Online buying is one of the easiest options and investors can use a debit or credit card to make a secure payment. If the amount of gold purchased equals or exceeds £ 10,000, ID proof would be required in keeping with money laundering regulations. All the steps are explained in the video, which is a great learning experience for investors.
How to make the right gold investments

How to make the right gold investments
