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Klang des Lebens (Sound of Life)

Stacheldraht                                                          Barbed Wire

This Painting is part of my Live-Stage-Project "Klang des Lebens" ( Sound of life )  performed at the "Olympiahalle-München" in 2014.
It was my aim to connect art and music unadulterated and pur. Here is one of 13 Songs i performed within this show. The original Text i wrote in german language, as people from all over the world became afraid of a threat called terrorism. Also, i had no answer, that´s why this song was born.

I try to give you a one to one translation.

Könntest Du?                                               Could you?

Könntest du nur einmal was sagen,            could you only say something once
du stehst am Bahnhof ohne Ziel                 standing at the station without an aim.
Du kennst nicht einmal deinen                    You don´t even know your own questions,
eigenen Fragen, so warum glaubst du,       why do you think it is so quiet here?
ist es hier so still?
Nur ein Blick, ein Komando                         Just a look, a  command
du glaubst das Richtige zu tun                    you think you are doing the right thing.

Könntest du?                                               Could you?

Könntest du die Welt zerstören,                  Could you destroy the world
damit ein Anderer sie regiert?                     for another to govern?
Tausende Tränen, die dich tragen               Thousands of tears that carry you
auf deinem Weg in´s Paradies.                    on your way to paradiese.
Die Strassen sind rot von Blut und              The streets are red of blod and honor,
Ehre, es wird schon eng im Paradies.         it´s getting thight in paradiese.

Könntest du?                                                Could you?

Sie schreien von den Türmen,                     They call from the towers,
sie klagen im Gebet,                                    they complain in prayers
wer kennt die Wahrheit                                who knows the truth?
Könntest du?                                                Could you?

Könntest du, nur einmal fühlen,                   Could you only feel once,
mit all den Kindern, die dich sehen.             with all the children who see you.
Augen gefrohren in der Wahrheit,                Eyes, frozen in the truth,
sie sind der Spiegel einer kranken               they are the mirror of a sick world

Tief ist das Tal                                               Deep is the valley and
und steil der Wege hinaus.                           and steep the way out.
Tief liegt begraben,                                       Deeply lies burried,
was einmal Glaube war                                what once was religion.

könntest du?                                                 Could you?

Foto by Bernd Mayer
Foto by Bernd Mayer
You can see that Performance

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Klang des Lebens (Sound of Life)

Klang des Lebens (Sound of Life)

Live-Performance Barbara Clear Olympiahalle Munich 2014 Lyrics and original painting for the visual content on stage support and presentation for Read More
