Teeny-Tiny House
Project Objective:
Designing a dacha for two adults and two children. The shed is quite simple, modern, with brilliant combination of light gray concrete, dark wood, charcoal metal frame, and glass. vertical and detailed element of outdoor finishes turned the facades to be lighter and free. All the spaces designed so creatively offering convenient storage places. staircases are multipurpose the first obligation is vertical access to spaces, the second one all the space beneath them are used as storage. Furthermore, while you are in your desk in your bed room or in the kitchen washing the dishes you can enjoy the sun lights and beautiful nature around the building. 
How can you adjust your circadian rhythm? well as long as you are exposed to sunset and sunrise, body naturally adjust that, this is what considered for designing this house. 

Teeny Tiny House

Teeny Tiny House

small-house-afsaneh mousavi- interior designer- tiny house-designing-architect-vancouver-bc
