David Bustozoni's profile

Logos for non-profits

Bahía en foco was a photojournalism blog with news that had no coverage by the local mainstream media.
The logo is based on the mix of the city's original square and a shutter.
America Morena is a latin american folklore dancing group. They needed a logo for a project presentation and after comes and goes, we decided on the latinamerican native flag colours, that piece of the continent and a dot in the city where they work.
3 cínicos is a rock band from Bahía Blanca. We shot several videos with them and a logo was requiered for their youtube channel. Based on the work of their graphic designer, I developed this one.
General Daniel Cerri is a place I love very much. People from the fishing club had an old logo and no digital version available. So based upon that one I updated it into this one.
Local artists from Bahía Blanca have a hard time every time they want to publicize what they do. Clic cultural attempts to solve that problem, among many others. The projects is on stand by for the time being.
In 2012 a young fashion designer decided to take steps towards creating a cooperative for textil workers. We worked on the idea of the crab, as they are local inhabitants of the region.By request of her, stitches were added to the boarders and a zip hidden in the middle of the logo.
The city's independent film festival needed a logo update, a square proportion one, mainly to be used as avatar in the fests' social media profiles. Based on the idea of latin-america and they colours previously used by people from the stuff (white, black and white) I decided to work on this cut-out minimalist concept.
In the summer of 2016 the audiovisual services' law was derogated by the new argenine president. A movement started to stop him and get the law back. Today we don't know what will happen, but we will keep on fighting for communication in Argentina as a basic human right.
A proposal to create a classical music collective that did not prosper.
A social network profile that gathers information and posts from museoums in the city.
A nearby town's shortfilm's festival. The logo is inspired in the footsteps by old animals that inhabited that particular region, together with film stripes and the beautiful colours of the sunset.
Logos for non-profits


Logos for non-profits

Various icons/logos I've developed for non-profits and non-commercial initiatives.
