Moraima Jacobaccis profil

Airport video - instalation

This is a project that we did with my S5 students (high school -16 years old) the idea was to re-create an airport and a plane experience in our classroom. This was a video-installation that was running during our school "Arts week", and was visited by students from kindergarten to parents and grandparents. The visitors were guided by the students that were like fly attendants, that invited them to sit and watch on the windows that were computer screens were videos created by the digital media and design students were played in a loop. 
The students created not only the videos, they created the signs, the passports, the props and decoration. They used Adobe Illlustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Photoshop to design and edit. 

Airport Video - Instalation Project / S5 / Digital Media & Design 2019
Airport video - instalation

Airport video - instalation
