In 2018 I was invited to compose Ludi's rebranding team with Diorgines Pavei, and Priscila Sasaki with the supervision of Bia Braz and Thiago Colares.
Ludi was created in 2010 as part of the most significant gift and decoration brand in Brazil: the Grupo Despite its growth, after 8 years, Ludi was still having trouble been recognized. So, our team began the process of understanding why.​​​​​​​

At the research period, we interviewed the stakeholders, and we provided a poll/form for our clients. It was a massive work that took, but the data we got was precious! According to them, the public was having trouble understanding the brand's name. 55% of respondents already read Ludi as iudi,  Lud, Ludy, and Ludj. It was impressive! 

Supplied with all this data, we started the sketches and design possibilities for the new brand.
After a few months of work, we had our final version. With the new logo, we could design a robust identity system with color pallet, standard fonts, institutional patterns, standard packing design, business card, presentation layout… The whole package that was missing to make Ludi a strong brand!
The new brand was launched in August 2019 at ABCasa fair, the biggest sale fair at the gift and decoration market in Brazil.





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