Magazine Cover Design

1.Understand the Problem - My goal is to make a good president magazine and make it better than Peter Merrick's (OdorlessFurball).
2.Research and Investigate - (Below) I thought it would be a fun idea to be the president and make a magazine saying that I was gonna be president and to vote for me
3.Generate Possible Solutions - (Below)
4.Select AND DEVELOP Best Solution - I did not take any in progress photos
5.Model and Prototype (Create)
6.Test and Evaluate - To me and some of my friends it looks fine the way it is just some colors might need to be changed and possibly some words changed. But to me and most others it looks fine the way it is.
7.Produce - Saved as Print file
8.Reflection - The successes I had was getting this project done and everything looking the way I wanted them to be. The struggles I had were getting things to look a certain way like color or position. Like with text once I clicked off of it and tried to click on it again it would just make another text layer which was a little struggle. I improved with erasing and using the quick selection tool and also typography I figured out how to use it easier with color, size, and font. I learned that with photoshop that most things don't go the way you want especially with positioning and erasing.
Romans Presidency

Romans Presidency
