Malthe G Hemmer 님의 프로필Sam Gilmore 님의 프로필

Ray Bradbury’s - The Illustrated Man

Ray Bradbury’s - The Illustrated Man
What is this project? The Illustrated Man is an adaptation of Ray Bradbury's classic science-fiction short stories brought to life by two motion designers with several months of evenings and weekends. 

We both figured we'd celebrate the prized author's 99 year birthday by creating a clip that would reveal his literary works to a new audience with Cinema 4D and Redshift. 

Unfortunately his late birthday came and went as we were developing our scenes but we finished our adaptation in a place we're happy to share with you now. ​​​​​​​
VFX breakdown
Process of the creation of the project.
Work in progress stills and styleframes
SG: Politics isn't something I've ever thought artists should build work around unless that’s something you’re 100% committed to. The world is way more complex than the info that seemingly comes about in a two minute news segment. Technology on the other hand, the fear of a technological AI uprising via war, displacement of jobs etc, is a fear so palpable either side of the political sphere can recognise. The Illustrated Man as a novel blends the potential societal risks so beautifully on a canvas we’ve never seen before...the human skin. 

MH: The stories within The Illustrated Man are inspirational in all sorts of ways; from the sci-fi concepts to the uniquely poetic type of language used. I think the originality of the narratives in the book really leapt out at me. In these days, remakes of old movies are half of the output of contemporary cinema. It was refreshing to read and explore concepts that were daring at the time of the release of the book, but definitely still are! It’s great to explore works that haven’t previously made it to the screen to any other visual sense. We had a complete blank slate to work with!
Thanks you!
Ray Bradbury’s - The Illustrated Man

Ray Bradbury’s - The Illustrated Man

Malthe Hemmer and Sam Gilmore present Raybury's, The Illustrated Man. In this video, we bring the texts to life in the form of an animated short 자세히 보기
