Tiina Knuutila's profile

My grass roots/political work

Selected work for Organizing For America and the Democratic Party
This is a small selection of the work I have done for President Obama's grass roots organization OFA and the Democratic Party here in Washington D.C. for the past year or so. I have shot or at least partially shot a lot of these, and edited all of them. The animations are entirely my work. The videos are shot by a combination of DSLRs and HD cams using P2 cards. All motion graphics are done by me in After Effects.
This video was created for the GOTV weekend of the Vote 2010 campaign, to show all the work the volunteers and the President had done so far, and to inspire people to get involved and keep working to get the vote out. I edited the piece and shot most of it, but filming credit also goes to Peter Salvia, and for Jamiah Adams for producing some of the interviews.
This animated video kicked off the official Vote 2010 campaign for Organizing America/The Democratic Party. Chris Hass wrote the script, I animated, the photos are from the 2008 Obama campaign, authors unknown, they were mostly from volunteers from the Obama 08 campaign.
The animation was created to help people to understand what was at stake, should the Health Reform not pass in the country. Script by Chris Hass. I did the animation.
This video was created for the new Democrats website to show who we are. I edited and shot most of it, David Grossman helped produce it. Music by Alec Gross.
A 15-sec intro to the RaiseYourVote.com page that the Democratic Party and Organizing For America created for the 2010 midterm elections. Graphic assets were created by Ryan Co, I did the animation. Chris Hass wrote the copy.
On the eve of the launch of the new branding and web site for the Democratic Party, we decided to make it clear what all the accomplishments of the Party throughout the history are. Idea was Josh Peck's, Matt Compton helped in research. Steven Argila composed the music. I edited and animated.
Second on the series of Movement Videos made for the Vote 2010 campaign for Organizing For America/The Democratic Party. I edited, shot by various people, including Sharon Barnes.
This is a dynamic animated video that I created for Organizing For America. Chris Hass wrote the script, Lucas Fleischer and Jim Pugh programmed the dynamic part in Flash. It lives in a page where it automatically detects your state, or you can choose it manually, and when you watch the video it shows the name of your state and the particular stats of how the Health Reform benefits people who live in you state.
3 OFA volunteers got chosen to meet the President in a rally in Las Vegas, NV for the Vote 2010 campaign. It was a quick shoot, lasted for about 3 minutes, so the footage was not the best but here's what I came up with in the edit. I shot it with a Canon 7D, David Grossman shot with a Panasonic HPX.
My grass roots/political work