Jeremy Dilts 的個人檔案

Digital Media and Learning Applications

Digital Media and Learning Applications

For the first week of Digital Media and Learning Applications the assignment was to write a research paper draft. This research paper was with regards to a NASA educational video that I analysed. The paper discusses the effectiveness of the video, which can be found here, to teach a learner about the Kepler Space Telescope's mission, and specifically an exoplanet called Kepler 452b. I was also tasked with create a learner assessment for the video. I also reviewed one of my peer's papers and suggested revisions.

Below is an image of part of my draft.

In the above image you can see some of the questions on the right and the learning outcomes on the left.
The second week I revised my paper and assessed a fellow student's research paper. I also got feedback from the instructor and peers. I finalized my paper and turned it in with the changes suggested by my peers as well as my instructors feedback.
Above is an image of some of the revised paper. The questions were revised and the audience was more narrowly focused. 
During the third week I was tasked with creating an interactive learner assessment based off the research paper assessment I created. I used Adobe XD to create an interactive quiz draft about the NASA video. This quiz was for the revised audience I used in the research paper of the age group 19 to 30 years old. I had a specific list of types of questions I had to use. For instance, I had to create a question with images as answers that the assessment taker would click on to see whether they were correct. I had to use one correct answer image and 4 incorrect images as distractors. I also reviewed a peer's interactive quiz and provided feedback for them. 
The above image is the map of the interactive quiz I designed using Adobe XD. There are 9 questions of varying types. 
The above image is an example of a question from my first draft of the assessment. The background image is found at
For week 4 of the class I revised the assessment based off of my peer's advice as well as feedback from the instructor. I created a video of the assessment. 
The above video is of the final version of my learner assessment.
Digital Media and Learning Applications

Digital Media and Learning Applications

