Gallery space ZALA 
Story of this project began in 1894 when the first tram repair and maintenance depot in Kyiv was build. 
One of the biggest transportation stations began to work.
After 120 years we entered this place to give this interior a new life like an innovative co working and gallery event space.​​​​​​​
 Taking lectures here is additional experience, everybody will be listening - you can be sure! Why? 
No doubt it's all about your lecture but we have one advantage for you beforehand. You are 1,5 meter high above your audience, so it's much easier to keep their attention all the time.
For a calm secret meeting you can come upstairs. Make your presentation on a private cinema screen. 
Add some lounge music and whiskey... 
We guarantee - all your contracts will be signed! ​​​​​​​
 We want to create such a club moody space here in the evening. Band singing live from the stage, guests are dancing after the fashion show event or a late summit lecture.​​​​​​
P. S.
Oh, I forgot! There were no such columns in the old tram repair and maintenance depot. 
We made them ourselves as well as chandeliers! 
Gallery space ZALA
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Gallery space ZALA

Glamorous loft space design including rust metal columns, concrete surfaces and crystal chandeliers. Multi functional gallery interior with a clu Lire la suite

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