GORA coffee packaging

GORA coffee is a new brand from Denmark. But this is not just another coffee brand. This is the COFFEE DISRUPTOR. Not only they are crafting coffee of the highest quality, but they’re also disrupting the coffee industry by bringing more balance to the traditional value chain.

Currently, close to 99% of all coffee exports are raw, unroasted beans. Up to 85% value is added after import, not benefiting the coffee-producing countries. In a unique partnership, Ethiopia’s legendary coffee farmers and the country’s most innovative roasters has created a sustainable practice increasing local value before export.

Their coffee is grown, handpicked, roasted and packaged in Ethiopia. More jobs, more skills, and more income remain in the country of origin. We call this “IMPACT@ORIGIN”.

We really enjoyed working on this project because it’s not often that you have a chance to work on product that has a strong and good cause background.


In a unique partnership, Ethiopia’s legendary coffee farmers and the country’s most innovative roastery has created a sustainable practice increasing local value before export. We have named the concept GORA – a word deeply rooted in the Ethiopian primeval forest. Our coffee is grown, handpicked, roasted and packaged in Ethiopia. More jobs, more skills, and more income remain in the country of origin. We call this “IMPACT@ORIGIN”.


Forest grown coffee promotes biodiversity, protecting and adding more trees, whilst creating a habitat for native wildlife. In this clever ecosystem, aiding the farmer, insect- and nectar eating birds plays an important role, combating insect pests and pollinating plants. The Arabica plants are sustainably grown in the shade of the forest canopy. Here the coffee cherries slowly ripen, absorbing nutrients and flavors of the forest - its fallen fruits and rich flora.

GORA coffee packaging