Zoe Katsivalis 的個人檔案

Refined - Folding Illustration

Refined- Folding Illustration
I decided to refine the folding illustration exercise we did in craft.
I really liked the idea of doing a folding illustration business card, and thought it could be a nice execution for showcase and a way to stand out from the crowd.
Above: Process of developing the business card. From sketch to fine lined and ready to digitize.
Above: Closed back
Above: Open back
Above: Closed front
Above: Open front
I loved and hated refining this. Loved it because I think it's a great execution idea and because I'm happy with the finished business card.

Hated it because it is extremely taxing to hand illustrate such a small yet detailed image.

I was challenged by it because I had to create my own mock-ups for it. As it is a unique way of executing business cards, there are no mock-ups online for this,so I had to create my own.
I am not the biggest fan of digital, and much prefer traditional media and techniques. So creating and figuring out how to create these folding business cards was a challenge, but I am happy with the outcome of the execution overall.
Refined - Folding Illustration


Refined - Folding Illustration
