Perfil de Studio TIO

Cultural Masseur

Animations for Cultural Masseur
( 文化按摩師 )

What’s it? —— This two-year long project showcases an array of arts and cultural programmes on inter-connected themes. It encourages participants, ranging from youngsters, adults to early retirees, to respond to daily lives with arts and discover the beauty of everyday living. Everyone can become a ‘cultural masseur’ and pass on artistic inspirations to others, who then become ‘cultural masseurs’ themselves to inspire more people.

What we did 
—— We were asked to create three different animations for the project. Each animation was initiated and threaded by one idea or form of presentation. For the overview animation, we employed the concept of acupuncture points in Traditional Chinese Medicine to reinforce the project’s main objective in a playful way. We connected the entire animation via these symbolic acupuncture points: cultural masseurs poke at your points to stimulate your creativity and connect the dots in the cultural scene. The notions of points and circular movement also recur implicitly in the following two animations. ​​​​​​​

2 ANIMATION |   Arts Tours​​​​​​​

3 ANIMATION |   Arts Workshops​​​​​​​


Client : Hong Kong Arts Centre  
Art Direction & Production : Studio TIO    
Sound Design : Po Wing  
VO Script : Miu Law
Voice Talent : Lee Chun Chow

Cultural Masseur


Cultural Masseur

Animations for Hong Kong Arts Centre "Cultural Masseur"
