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Data visualisation TED x Rotterdam

TEDx Rotterdam
Datavisualisation, Stage Design, T-shirt, Flyer, Font
Tedx Rotterdam approached us (A Select group of students at The Willem de Kooning Academie Rotterdam) To come up with a good concept to enrich the TEDx event in Rotterdam and eventually design the stage, t-shirt, flyer and Something special.

We designed a font, symbolizing the Main port of Rotterdam and the spreading of ideas at Ted x Rotterdam. We combined the online and offline community in a data visualisation that visualized the intensity  of twitters  about Tedx Rotterdam and together formed the subject of the programme on stage.

Data visualisation TED x Rotterdam

Data visualisation TED x Rotterdam

Tedx Rotterdam approached us (Select group of students at WDKA Rotterdam) To come up with a concept to enrich the TEDX event in Rotterdam and des Lue lisää
