Profil Bazil Raubach

Limits are invisible walls inside our minds

Limits are invisible walls inside our minds
I think creative people are the luckiest people on earth. I know that there are no shortcuts, but you must keep your faith in something greater than you, and keep doing what you love. Do what you love, and you will find a way to get it out to the world.
A series of portraits for a rather unique personality.  Erin, with Victorian porcelain skin, lovely personality and face I wanted to shoot with my antiquated Nikon D2XS, a faithful companion and a 65mm micro-lens, a couple of studio strobes off I went. These images are the result.
To continue my narrative – I resigned from a poor paying but safe-ish job and went out on my own partly because I suspect I am a horrible employee, secondly having run my own company taking orders does not fit my DNA anymore. Plus I am of independent mind and not a great follower. Although in my defence I spent 22 months biting my tongue and working very, very hard.
Being creative is a very other-sided brain thing, but running your own company means you are also the opposite sided brain user too.  So if you are confused image myself, in my 50s starting from scratch but with a wealth of skills, experience and that curiosity thing I could never really shake - here I am. Passionate, skilled and looking up the hill once again. 

Having run a wet darkroom,  my very own ad agency, been a senior newspaper sub-editor, press photographer and conflict photography, an illustrator, what's another challenge?
Limits are invisible walls inside our minds


Limits are invisible walls inside our minds
