The very first day I entered my college, it was like another world for me. I still remember the first group of people I spoke to and spent time with. All of them were great people with such a positive attitude. At the time of our first break almost all of them started going out and I keenly asked where are you all going? I wasn’t surprised at the reply, but surely astonished to see the number of people. They said that they were going for a smoke. That moment I felt like an alien, I came from a house where even men refrained from alcohol and here, women were indulging in smoking.
 Then again next day it happened and all those bunch of people asked me to come along for a smoke, I agreed to join them although I didn’t smoke. Then while they were smoking one of my friends said, “You should try it, it’s like a temporary solution to all your problems, and the best way to get away from all your stress”. I instantly refused. It was a severe cultural shock for me.
Same day I went back home and had a word with my brother and father. I literally cried because of how alienated I felt in college. I was satisfied with the people and teachers, they were all good people, but it was just the atmosphere which was very hard for me to digest. My brother advised me, “everywhere in this world, you will find all kinds of people, consuming cigarettes and alcohol. It is very common now-a-days. You just need to stand for yourself, accepting the atmosphere, focusing on your goals and keeping in mind why you enrolled in that college”.

One day it was one of my close friend’s birthday, we all went out for a party, enjoying, dancing and all when suddenly a friend of mine came to me and said, “Have one drink”, to which I replied  “Come on man u know I don’t  drink. ” He said that he knew but that there was no harm in trying once. After a stern refusal he said, “Bachhi hai kya”. That moment I realised, for people today all these consumption of drugs like alcohol, cigarettes etc. are so important that the one not consuming all this is not considered mature or socially presentable.
Finally one day I raised my voice and took a stand for myself because I felt like the water raised above my head. It was like one evening all my friends were planning  to go for clubbing and I suggested some good options when this friend suddenly comes up and comments, “You please don’t suggest. Every place is the same for a non-smoker and non-alcoholic person”.
 I don’t smoke or drink because I feel that they are just an addiction and they don’t provide any benefits to anyone. Smoking or drinking is a matter of choice. People drink because they think they can enjoy, have fun but according to me dancing can do the same. People smoke because they think it’s the best way to get away from stress but I prefer to go and hug my parents when I feel so.
If a person doesn’t smoke or drink, it’s absolutely fine. It’s their life, they have the right to do whatever they wish to do. One should have confidence to stand for their decision and say it out loudly to the world that it is their life and that they have all the rights to live it as they want to.
Since the day I stood up for myself and expressed myself to all those people who are stupid enough to think that I am not mature enough. And if people want to continue their friendship with me, they need to respect me and my decisions. None of them again asked me a word and forced me for such things.

Peer Pressure

Peer Pressure


Kreativa områden