Laura Bonelli profili

Poste Italiane - Marketing Automation

BRIEF: Poste Italiane wanted to help its customers go digital

WHAT WE DID: We created the first marketing automation system for the brand, with edutainment pieces of content starring a popular TV talent. 4 specific personas and a dense customer journey of direct e-mail marketing, mobile text messages, push-up notifications and landing pages for a range of different services, from mobile recharge options to digital payment slips.

WHAT I DID: wrote, checked and supervised the copy part of the project, together with amazing junior and senior colleagues. Lots of pieces of content, worth the hard work!  

CREDITS: 2017, © Wunderman (Italy), part of WPP Group.
Poste Italiane - Marketing Automation
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Poste Italiane - Marketing Automation

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