Article on Teen Pregnancy 
                                                  Good at being Young
         When a girl or a boy reaches puberty at 13, defining it to be teenage is when hormones play important role. This is the age between childhood and adulthood. But actually, when they are welcomed to this concept of living with responsibilities, they are lost and confused. 

It is said that teenagers are most misunderstood people on the planet. They are treated like children and expected to act like adults. Laksh Arora 21 year old engineering student of NIMS, Mumbai talked about the responsibilities in terms of teen pregnancy. He belongs to Delhi. He shared his experience of how his parents introduced him to adolescence and gave him teachings of how to treat women around him. His friend encountered a teen pregnancy and her partner denied to support her in the medical process. That is when her friends like Laksh and others supported her and accompanied her to the doctor.
Her partner didn’t support her as the family he belongs to is very conservative. Firstly, accepting the relationship of him with a girl will be shocking to them and secondly witnessing a teen pregnancy can land him into many problems like social shame, tagged as irresponsible. Ignoring the fact that girl dealing with her unwanted pregnancy is the one to be blamed first by society, also go through all physical and mental trauma alone and he escaped whole situation despite being an equal contributor. According to society boys are born and brought up on a thought of that boys don’t have a right to cry or express their feeling. They are always asked to act rough and tough.
According to real life facts men are more emotional and women are considered to be multi taskers and can handle emotions better in all situations. Atif Jawed a psychology student from CIT of 20 years from Bangalore on the same. He says if he or any boy is facing this is because that individual is afraid and devastated of the situation. He is holding a coward approach to the situation and try get away with it. This can be blamed to the upbringing of the boys in respect to less teen conversation and avoiding to enlighten these boys with real life steps to take around girls or women and respect them and owe them.
Giving preference to your own self-respect and getting rid of the mistake. Choosing an escape route to run away from damage. If some percentage of the boys to turn up is because they are the ones holding up a mature approach and accepting and respecting the relation with the girl they share and being genuine about their feeling and emotions. They have the guts to accept the mistake or unwanted situation landing in to it accidently or deliberately. They have courage to ignore the society.
A hidden reason for keeping up with this strong decision can be a strong support from his family and leading the way on a right track and construct the idea that men owe us respect as we are all humans. Recently in a conversation with senior doctor of gynaecology department of Rainbow hospital in South Delhi Dr. Meenakshi Banerjee stated “incomplete knowledge is dangerous”. She shared the statistics of about 5-7 teen pregnancy cases they encounter in a month. Also, there are a greater number of cases reported in government hospitals than private because over there it is easy for the girl or her family to handle the situation without encountering society norms or legal regulations as they are situated in remote areas. Apparently below 18 years cases come with their parents, above 18 years 5 out of 7 of the women visit the doctor alone or with their friends but not their partners. But only 2 to 3 cases come up with their partners.
She added that education system is also to be blamed somewhere as in this generation is so fast and the sex education needs to be applied in the early age of their curriculum as by the time, so they will be aware about. When they are unaware, they seek help from internet and end up on a wrong track of seeking knowledge. Thus, incomplete knowledge of anything lands in difficult situation. So, in the end, boys and girls should be aware and conscious of their actions and results and most importantly have courage to own responsibilities of their own actions. If things go wrong, both are equal and everyone holds his or her dignity and values.         

Lifestyle Article on Teen Pregnancy


Lifestyle Article on Teen Pregnancy


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