james walker's profile

Active Form Catalogue & Self-Assessment

Bloem catalogue
Self assessment for second year
I have certainly come a long way since the beginning of first year in many ways. Firstly my sketching has improved this has been due to practice and spending time drawing, in this module as well as others and in my spare time. Furthermore my work on programs like solidworks, photoshop, illustrator and keyshot has also come on a long way. Even at the start of this year i was still creating simple shapes and designs, my imagination limited by my skill. This is not the case now however. As shown in this project as well as others on my blog like the icart module which required a lot of time spent on solidworks.
I believe this module has helped me with many things a few that i have already mentioned but also things like my presentation skills which i realize will be fundamental when i go out and get a job. I have also been taught to be more professional, before hand simply reading from a sheet and not projecting what i was saying to the client. I am also confident with prezi, a program which i love for presenting my ideas. I went on to use this program when presenting for another module as well. 
It would certainly take more than 400 words to talk about and assess myself fully on this year, firstly because i have learnt so many new things and have come on leaps and bounds in many areas and secondly because of how much i have enjoyed it. The Active form was my favorite project, it really challenged me and was something at the beginning that i new absolutely nothing about. You are able to see from my previous self assessment’s that we had our ups and downs through that project but came out on top, working well as a team. We then developed this idea and created a catalogue as you have seen above. Your module has really helped me with thinking processes, for example almost standing back and looking at things from a different perspective. Creating various mood boards and mind maps to get the ideas flowing. I believe group work has really helped with this, with several different people bringing ideas to the table generating a dynamic range of initial ideas to move forward with. Furthermore i am now able to communicate these ideas using videos, animations story boards and visuals. 
This year has been a fantastic and i have learnt a great deal. I look back at work from a year ago and wonder what i was doing and how poor my work was compared to what i have been doing over the past few months, this is a great sign, i am an enthusiastic designer and i wish to carry on improving, thank you.
Active Form Catalogue & Self-Assessment

Active Form Catalogue & Self-Assessment

Active Form


Creative Fields