Kaÿn Lab - Album Art

Kaÿn Lab - Live at Fendika
Album Art, CD Cover, Launch Event, Social Media - June 2019

Kayn Lab approached us looking for an album art and CD cover design for their new experimental album. We worked together to launch the album and share it on social media.

We started the process by getting to know who Kaÿn Lab is through a series of interviews. Kaÿn Lab is an experimental jazz-fusion band focusing on Ethiopian rhythms & modes. Kaÿn means the awaited one and Lab is for laboratory. 
Experimental. Fendika. Live.
This album, recorded live at Fendika Cultural Center, brings together tribal sounds from across Ethiopia. After a series of interviews we found that ’Experimental’ is a central theme to the album and the band.

Fendika has a crammed, complex vibe. It is far from simple - this sparked the idea for a collage.
Experimental Art for an Experimental Album

For months, we experimented with collages. Finally landed here.
Kayn Lab Live at Fendika - Album art
A Band Logo?
We killed the threshold on Photoshop and this happened (serendipity).
Now works great for band merchendise.
Band logo
Album Launch
It was released at Mama’s Kitchen on June 29th.

Watch a recap video we made: https://www.instagram.com/p/B0lmPO6j3dI/
Find them on Instagram and Facebook
Poster of launch event on Fendika's door
Picture of everyone at the end of the launch event

Kaÿn Lab - Album Art


Kaÿn Lab - Album Art

An album art made for Kaÿn Lab, an experimental jazz band in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
