Profilo di Brooke Webster

Earth Week at Four Winds Interactive

Project: Earth Week 2018
Objective: To generate awareness around sustainable living among Four Winds Interactive colleagues

A few years prior to 2018 I had been doing my best to lower my ecological footprint. I had been walking to work, reusing plastic bags and eating plant-based foods. But with the news headlines  constantly circulating the dire state of the environment, I had the desire to do more. I decided it was time that I help others become more eco-friendly too. 

In January 2018, I started to think ahead for Earth day. I wanted to make a big event out of it and to get others involved in a fun and approachable way. After pitching a few ideas to the Social Responsibility Committee at FWI, we were off to the races brainstorming what we could do. This is what we landed on.​​​​​​​
Rather than have a single day packed full of Earth-oriented events, we decided to scatter them throughout one week, which we dubbed “Earth Week”. We created opportunities for people to participate and earn prizes.

Employees were invited to participate in the following:
Professionals from Tesla Solar and Energy Outreach Colorado came to the office to share their knowledge and expertise with us. One night we had a showing of Plastic Ocean, a powerful documentary that details what is happening to our oceans due to the rampant use of plastics.

By educating ourselves we can have awareness around problems that need some working on, and create potential to take action and inspire others. 
We encouraged employees to bike, walk or ride the bus to work. On Earth Day itself, some of use volunteered with Denver Digs to plant trees. 

By taking actions such as biking to work we make a difference one day at a time. If everyone did this, it would make a big difference! Cutting down emissions and creating more air filtration/oxygenation is particularly relevant in Denver, where the air quality can be poor.
Employees were invited to bring in their old electronics to be recycled by an e-recycling company company.

By utilizing reliable recycling programs for things such as electronics and appliances we can divert huge quantities of waste that may actually be able to be reused for parts.
We invited employees to make pledges to take actions such as refusing single use plastics, riding their bike more or trying meatless Mondays. We created a form that employees could submit their pledge to and it would automatically display on the digital signage in our office.

When an employees submitted their pledge, it would show up on the digital signage around the office. We also displayed examples of what pledges could be, so they had plenty of inspiration for their own. 

By making a pledge and setting intentions we are more likely to take action. Because of the public nature of these pledges increases that likelihood. Plus, when others see that we are doing something, they may be inspired to do something themselves.
While the idea of doing good may seem satisfactory by itself, people usually need an answer to the question “What’s in it for me?” We chose to reward the people who participated through a raffle system.

When employees participated in events, they would be rewarded with raffle tickets. The more events a person attended, the more tickets they would receive and thus be more likely to win. At the end of the week, we did a drawing and raffled off 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes including:
- Mad greens gift cards
- Life Without Plastic gift cards
- A one year subscription to Thrive Market
When it comes to any event or initiative, participation hinges on communication. We brought awareness to the events through emails, all hands announcements and digital signage. 

In the Four Winds office there are digital signs everywhere. All people need to do to receive the information is look up.
At the end of the week, everyone who participated in the events felt inspired and had a renewed sense of civic obligation. For most people, they appreciated that Four Winds would support such an event. Corporate social responsibility is known to create loyalty and improved morale.
Earth Week at Four Winds Interactive

Earth Week at Four Winds Interactive


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