Brief - Produce an A-Z book on a topic of your choice
Solution - From looking through children's A-Z books I decided upon trying to find a more unique approach to get children to learn, as when researching I soon realised the majority of books were based upon the same kind of themes.
I wanted to create a fun, wacky way for children to easily remember the alphabet thus creating "Hybreeds".
Rather than having a A-Z of normal animals, Hybreeds are the mix of 2 creatures, both starting witht the same letter. 
A series of different products could be produced, widening the market to an older audience, both for gifts or as collectors items.
Hand drawn type matches the animals pattern it is associated with, this will make it easier for children to pair the two.
All 26 characters in the range. 
Their Colours are based on their habitats;
Land- Orange
Air - Purple 
Sea - Blue 
Silly facts have been added to each animal so children get to know about the creatures, making them easier to remember and recognise.
Instead of creating a book, I felt flash cards were more appropriate as they are more interactive and can be made into a game. This also means they are more portable and children can take the cards away and learn each letter seperately.
Other applications.
A-Z of Hybreeds

A-Z of Hybreeds

A-Z of mixed up animals called "Hybreeds"


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