Kenneth Yap Photography's profile

Natures Artistic Beauty in Cumberland State Forest

Here is a photo that I took a while ago at Cumberland State Forest; a photo of leaves which had light shining on them in a most 'remarkably' divine way; every other part of the leaf was shaded by the canopy except the bits which the light that managed to pierce through the trees from above ever so generously, boldly and artistically danced upon!!

I decided to; when the light had lit it up in just about the perfect way, to take a photo and majorly underexpose things so as to greatly highlight and champion the 'exquisitely' brilliant and fascinating texture and detail in these leaves and to help them to really stand out from the background. The best option was to make the background a 'decadent' and 'rich' black!!

I really believe that the often seen and very quickly glanced at, very momentarily observed, or the things we walk past but don't really see can be championed in a photograph. I believe that such true beauty can be revealed through macro photography gear, and an artistic mind and curious eye. Some things that we see around us are just magnificent! I truly believe that some of the most beautiful things that we can find and see are in nature!

I am not sure what leaf species this is, so if anyone knows and would like to share with me their knowledge, it would be most specially appreciated!!

Thank you so incredibly much to everyone who views, appreciates or comments on this project of mine or even does all of the above which would be so wholeheartedly appreciated, and I truly hope that you all have a better than normal wonderful & quite lovely rest of your day and week!

My very best wishes, Kenneth!! =)))
Natures Artistic Beauty in Cumberland State Forest

Natures Artistic Beauty in Cumberland State Forest
