Compressed 45 YouTube videos in one video.

ZipTube was created as a personal project when I questioned the amount of time we spent online and wondered what it might look like if our online experience could be expedited and made more efficient. I explored this by compressing 45 YouTube videos and displaying them all at once in a concurrent format. 

Michel Gondry
Compressed 45 videos directed by Michel Gondry in one video.

Michael Jackson
Compressed 45 Michael Jackson music videos in one video.

Compressed 45 episodes of Pororo the Little Penguin, my kid’s favorite animated TV show in one video.

Compressed 45 movie trailers from Marvel in one video.

Warp Records
Compressed 45 Warp Records music videos in one video.




Compressed 45 YouTube videos in one video. ZipTube was created as a personal project when I questioned the amount of time we spent online and wo Read More
