Yara Sakr 님의 프로필

Nemo Finding. Branding and Packaging

The past 20 years, obesity had increased all over the
world Affecting 1 out of 3 kids and 2 out of 3 adults. Every 7 seconds someone dies
from diabetes Over 4.9 million people die annually from food preventable problem diabetes AND the number 1 cause of these diseases and sicknesses
is Sugar

Nemo Finding is all about homemade sweets without sugar. Healthy and Yummy!
Each and every character created represents YOU and me and all the people out there. Vibrant colors and unique style to attract and drag the attention. 

Business Cards! 
Who's your favorite character? :D 
Every box contains several small bags, to organize your daily portion limit. 
Chocolate balls made out of all natural ingredients; cocoa powder, almonds, honey, coconut oil, coconut flakes.
Peanut butter cookie 
Oatmeal cookies 

Posters engaging our characters with the product. 
Life is sweeter with less sugar! 
Nemo Finding. Branding and Packaging


Nemo Finding. Branding and Packaging

Branding, Campaign and Packaging Nemo finding sweets without sugar.
