They originated simply enough, from having "free time" while working at an art supply store that didn't exactly discourage such creativity. The majority of them were created in a few months to be ready in time for a gallery show in the summer of 2009. There is not much planning beforehand, in a way they "create" themselves, somehow telling me what to add to them next from the boxes of odds and ends and bones and wires and fabric that I have taking up too much space in my tiny living space. Some names came from mythological sources, some just out of the ether. I found that I had a preference for older, often antique dolls to work on. I've tried looking in toy stores but modern dolls creep me out to begin with, I couldn't make them any creepier.

Gallery appearances thus far:

"Homunculus," May 29 - June 19, 2009, Space 242 Gallery, Boston, MA
"Something Wicked This Way Comes," Oct. 1 - 31, 2010, Inside Out Gallery, Somerville, MA
"Dolls on the Wall," Nov. 12 - 14, 2010, Stove Factory Gallery, Charlestown, MA
"Open Skull Open," Oct. 2013, Witch Dr, Salem, MA
"Weird & Wicked," Oct. 2015, Uforge Gallery, Jamaica Plain, MA
Goddess of the Hallway (1999)
Lilim (1999)
Rust (2003)
Decay (2005) - SOLD 2009
Viktoria (2006)
Scylla (2008)
Liudvika (2008)
Qandisa (2008)
Wintermute (2008)
Minamata (2009)
Ostia (2009)
Mmse. Charlotte (2009)
Kalma (2009)
Ximena (2013)
Arrythmia (2019)



Various dolls created over the years, appearing in several gallery shows.
