The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) Continuing Education 
This monthly newsletter is sent out to the community, advertising its many personal enrichment classes such as dancing, cooking, or wellness. Pushing for a list of classes, made it simple and easy for the end user to quickly navigate to what their interest are.
This published work was created as an employee of College of Southern Maryland.
Winchester Homes Landsdale
Winchester Homes wanted to give the Landsdale community their own personal expression and to establish a new brand. Creating a distinctive look helped to separate Landsdale from other communities while also evoking a certain emotion within their target audience.

This published work was created as an employee of NDG Communications.
Brookfield Residential Wilson’s Grove Community
Brookfield Residential wanted to version a flyer from their recent creative and turn it into an e-mail to send out to their prospective residents and realtors.
This published work was created as an employee of NDG Communications.
E-Mail Marketing


E-Mail Marketing
