"Organic Times" is a mini newspaper for an organic restaurant named Greenroute which would tell you about the importance and benefit of organic food along with the menu. NEWSPAPER MENU would educate people as to what is organic food is as during my research it was observed that a lot of people don’t really know what organic food is all about, they confuse organic food with diet food which is wrong, Organic foods are foods that are produced using methods that do not
involve modern synthetic inputs such as synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers,
do not contain genetically modified organisms, and are not processed using
 irradiation,industrial solvents, or chemical food additives.
Exploration for the Name
Created some vegetable and fruits characters which would tell us the benefit of eating that particular vegetable or fruit and the characters and illustrations style are hand drawn to give it a raw, rough and organic look
Mini Newspaper for an organic restaurant 
Page 1 and 2
The Newspaper is designed to be very interactive and interesting so the people would like to ready while they are waiting for their order to be served on their table, the Newspaper includes the menu, an article about what is organic food and its advantages, cartoon strip, cross word, health horoscope etc. 
Menu page 3 and 4
Organic Times

Organic Times

Designing an interactive menu for a organic restaurant targeting to the Youngsters {16 -30} and Young couples. The main reason to design the an i Læs mere
