May Ling Tan 님의 프로필

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Campaign Mode

Star Wars: Battlefront II's Single Player Campaign
Player onboarding flow
Included toaster video notifications that gave the player a glimpse of the droid's abilities in action. The player was then immediately presented the opportunity to put into practice what they had watched, but without being forced necessarily to repeat the action.
Pillio creature AI design
The flying bug-like creatures were designed to provide a challenge to Luke's melee centric Lightsaber and agile movements.
Hask Boss Fight
The sequence was designed to fit the script, where Iden had to fight her nemesis who was an equal. The gameplay had to be a vessel to deliver the final resolution - Iden's sacrifice for her daughter and the Rebellion.
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Campaign Mode

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Campaign Mode

Various game design and UX features developed for the single player campaign on SW:BFII


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