The wheel of life: a great coaching tool

If you are starting out in the world of coaching and personal development, you may have heard about the wheel of life. You are in the right place, because in this article we will make it clear what this simple but powerful coaching tool consists of.

What is the wheel of life?
It is a very visual coaching tool, which allows us to analyze each of the different areas that make up our life, by segmenting and valuing them. It helps us to measure the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction in relation to the different areas of our life.
It is a widely used tool in the coaching and neurolinguistic programming sessions that was devised by Paul. J. Meyer. It allows us to get a pretty rough idea of where we have areas of improvement and therefore we can work them out in our lives. It helps us to become aware of the state of life we are going through.
Realizing our own wheel of life we can know what is failing in our existence. That we are not as satisfied as we would like.

What are the plots that make up the wheel of life?
There are many sections in which we can divide the wheel of life:
Here are some examples of different sections with which you can generate the wheel of your life: love, friendship, creativity, Health, personal Growth, spirituality, fun, Studies, money, work, love, partner, family, home, travel, environment... we can divide it into as many areas as we want. My advice? Don't complicate your life. Eight or ten are more than enough.
Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life

Wheel of life assessment tool available online
