12 Clues You Might Have Heart Disease

Sleep Apnea

When your snoring is divided by pauses in Your breathing, your mind might not be getting sufficient oxygen. It'll send signals to your blood vessels and heart to work harder to maintain blood circulation moving. This increases your risk for elevated blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, strokes, and heart failure. Heart Care by Elixirtechs is a Natural Medicine for Heart Disease & Heart Health.

Yellow-Orange Bumpy Rash

Extremely Large triglyceride levels could make Your skin split around the knuckles of your hands and feet and on your own bottom. A good deal of these fats in your bloodstream can play a part in hardening your arteries, and large amounts are often associated with some other conditions that put you at risk for cardiovascular disease and strokes, too. Heart Care by Elixirtechs is a Natural Medicine for Heart Disease.

Poor Grip Power

The strength of your hands can tell you Research indicates the capability to squeeze something nicely means a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. When it's difficult for you to grasp an item, chances are greater that you've got or could develop difficulties. (But enhancing your grip power alone will not always make your heart healthy.) Heart Care by Elixirtechs is a Natural Medicine for Heart Health.

Dark Position under Nails

For those who haven’t banged or hurt your finger Or fur recently, small dots of blood trapped beneath your nail may point to an infection in the lining of the valves or heart, known as endocarditis. Heart Care by Elixirtechs is a Natural Treatment for Heart Disease & Heart Health.


Dizziness might be an indication of an abnormal rhythm, also known as an arrhythmia. Heart failure means that the weakening of the muscular can make you unsteady. Feeling woozy is among many lesser-known indicators of a heart attack, also. Heart Care by Elixirtechs is a Natural Remedy for Heart Disease & Heart Health.

Sexual Issues

Some problems from the bedroom could imply you Have heart disease and also a higher risk for a heart attack or stroke. Men who have erectile dysfunction might have flow problems linked to elevated blood pressure or narrow arteries from cholesterol build-up. These blood-flow issues may also reduce a woman's libido and ability to enjoy sexual intercourse. Heart Care by Elixirtechs is a Natural Remedies for Heart Health & Heart Disease.

Skin Color Changes:

Blue or grey fingers and feet could be from Inadequate flow of blood, frequently because of a heart defect you had been created by or narrowed or blocked blood vessels. You may get bloody splotches only underneath the skin around the interior of your palms and the bottoms of your feet when you have endocarditis. Heart Care by Elixirtechs is a Natural Remedy for Heart Disease & Heart Health.

Bleeding Gums

Experts do not fully understand the connection between gum disease and cardiovascular disease. But studies indicate that bleeding, swollen, or tender gums can cause difficulty with your ticker. 1 theory is that germs from the own gums gets into your blood and puts off inflammation on your own heart. Having gum disease, which may result in tooth loss, can also increase your likelihood of a stroke. Heart Care by Elixirtechs is a Natural Treatment for Heart Disease & Heart Health.

Dark, Velvety Skin Patches:

You Might Find these thick stains, called acanthosis nigricans, in Skin folds and creases like the neck, armpits, and groin when your body has difficulty working with the hormone insulin. The stains may have skin tags, also. If you are not being medicated for insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, or type-2 diabetes, visit your physician for help controlling your blood glucose and safeguarding your heart. Heart Care by Elixirtechs is a Natural Medicine for Heart Disease.

Trouble Breathing

Feeling short of breath may be a symptom of heart failure, an abnormal heart rhythm, or even a heart attack. Tell your physician if you fight to catch your breath after doing things which was simple for you, or whether it is difficult to breathe while lying down.

Swelling in Lower Legs

It occurs when you sit or stand for Quite a While, and it is also swollen legs might be out of a clot that is obstructing the flow of blood from the lower limbs into your heart. Call your health care provider straight away if swelling comes on unexpectedly.


Do not always chalk it up to bad sleep. Heart failure can Leave you exhausted and drained, since the muscle no more pumps well enough to Fulfill your body's requirements. Watch for additional symptoms, like coughing and Swelling, also, because feeling pumped out and feeble may be warning signal of several Various conditions, including nausea, cancer, or perhaps melancholy. Heart Care by Elixirtechs is a Natural Medicine for Heart Health.
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