Beemo is a chat box companion for people diagnosed with early on set dementia. Beemo was created to be a gender neutral character that would act as a companion for patients and an aid for doctors and next of kin. 

The project started out as a tablet version where a doctor would be able to create an account with a patients family members to better customize Beemo. Features include, GPS location so a patient wouldn’t get lost and be able to find their way back home, reminder function to remind a patient of appointments, times to take medication, events and any other things family members or doctors wish to add. Family members, doctors and patients would have separate accounts to access specified information. A patient would have an account were Beemo is their companion where they would be able to speak or type things, and Beemo would respond. Family members would be able to have a login that gives them updates on how their loved one is doing different stats etc, to help them understand how their loved one is doing. Doctors would be able to access the stats form the patient and also record notes on visits etc. The notes function would be specifically for a doctor’s use and not shared with family members. 

The end result for Beemo is to have wearable for the patient that would be able to be waterproof and worn at all times. Beemo would be able to go every where with a patient. Similarly to an Apple watch where it would still haave a screen where the character would be displayed.

This project was done in collaboration with Humber students, UCL students and Welfare Denmark. I created the character and the following layouts shown.
Creating an Account 
When first signing up for Beemo a doctor and the family must be present. The doctor would set up the account by filling in their ID, the hospital they are at, and a designated password. From their basic information is gathered such as name, birthday gender and some likes. The likes shown are things that help patients with early on set dementia. By Beemo collecting this information it allows Beemo to be customized to each patient. There is a feature where Beemo will interact with the patient and suggest activities they like to do. This can help with memory and slow down the effects of dementia. 

From their family members can create accounts that are linked to the patient. This will allow them to see the progress and allow notes from doctors to be shared. From there they are asked to fill out any more information to better help customize Beemo, allowing for more suggestions and personalized feel. 

The next screen allows for family members, friends etc. Names to be filled in and their relation to the patient. This will allow Beemo to suggest options such as “ would you like to garden with Emilia today?” It will help with the patients interaction with family members and friends. 
Next of Kin Login 
For each family member who has a login they will be able to login via thier name and password. They will then be brought to a page where they can see a quick overview of how their loved one is doing. Beemo will be there to give the update. On the next screen they will be able to get the stats of how their loved one is doing in activities and exercise. 
Doctor Login 
Each doctor will have to login via their ID, a patients ID and a password for confidentiality reasons. They will be able to have electronic notes from their sessions or any other notes they may need for their patient. For instants the family they will have the stats of how the patient is doing and things that they are doing, such as activities, exercises etc. This will help them track the progression of dementia and better understand the patient. 
How would the GPS work?
Sensor and geo located area where if a patient walks out side of the designated area Beemo would pop up and ask if they were lost and needed help going home. 

How would the GPS work if they don’t bring the tablet?
Ideally Beemo would be developed into a wearable similar to an apple watch where it would be worn at all times to ensure safety of the patient. They GPS would work the same in tablet and in wearable form. Sending a pulse to let you know if you need help and outside of an area. 

What if a patient forgets who Beemo is?
If a patient is to ask who Beemo is or what are you, Beemo would respond telling them who they are what they do. 

Why Beemo? Do you mean like BMO?
This project is based in Denmark. Welfare Denmark is a hospital that helps patients with dementia and their families. Beemo is a gender neutral name that easy to say. The “ee” in names is known to be easier for kids, animals etc to remember. It is one of the sounds that a human is able to recolonize and remember. So we looked for a simple name that would be easy to pronounce, remember, and is gender neutral. 


This a collaborative project to help aid people with dementia.
