Perfil de Anton Nikolaev

'VENOM SMOKE' hookah tobacco branding

Visual identity for  'VENOM SMOKE' /
hookah tobacco //
​​​​​​​Follow me on instagram: antondesigner_


The logo consists of two parts: illustrative and textual. parts are combined depending
on the size of the media. the illustrative part is consistent through lawyers with the disney company. the character on the logo is made in an aggressive comic style, aimed at brand awareness on the grocery shelf

Typography, textures and colors

Font in design, printing and social networks — montserrat.
texture looks like liquid/smoke and refers to the character of the logo

Tobacco strength

Each aroma of VENOM SMOKE tobacco is presented in three levels of strength: 
soft, medium, hard. color differentiation was chosen to quickly find 
level of strength on the store shelf


Aggressive style collages were created for each aroma of tobacco
to display the taste and convey the mood of the brand

Packaging stickers

Stickers have been developed for tobacco packaging in accordance with state standards. the stickers added the necessary technical information according to the law. collage 
and icon display tobacco flavor. each package has an infographic describing the taste 
and strength of tobacco

Examples of packaging

Branding of external media
Presentation for printing

Corporate presentation slides for product offering to wholesale customers
'VENOM SMOKE' hookah tobacco branding
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'VENOM SMOKE' hookah tobacco branding

'VENOM SMOKE' hookah tobacco branding

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