Climate change is the greatest global threat to coral reef ecosystems. Because of it, our oceans are becoming warmer and warmer; this causes thermal stress that contributes to coral bleaching and infectious disease. Coral bleaching is an important phenomenon because once these corals die, reefs rarely fully recover. An entire reef ecosystem, on which people and wildlife depend, collapses. 
Half of the Great Barrier Reef has been bleached to death since 2016.

With all this in mind, I tried to illustrate the problem(literally) with an 11 frames GIF.
Coral reefs provide shelter for marvellous animals; including sponges, all sorts of fish, jellyfish, anemones, sea stars, crustaceans, crabs, shrimps, and much more.
The process. Like always(in my case) it all started with a pencil, a sheet of paper and a simple idea; then it moved to digital drawing(SketchBook), colouring, layering and exporting to 
eleven jpg-s. From these, a GIF was made using Adobe Photoshop. 
Thank you!
Coral Reef


Coral Reef

Coral Reefs bleaching problem - illustration GIF
