Hae Boleh
Habit Tracker app

'Your Journey Not Alone'
You do not have to go on the journey alone...

'Hae Boleh' is not just a regular habit-tracker app. 
It helps the users to develop good habits of lifestyle within 66 days. 
'Boleh' say it is a good habit development app and you don't have to do it on your own!
(FACT: According to studies, it takes 66 days for a habit to manifest.) 

66 days is a long journey and everyone needs moral support to keep on going should one create a habit especially good habits. In a nutshell, when a user takes up the challenge and when they complete a daily task, they take a picture and share the moment on social media. 

Sharing creates a connection and it encourages as well well as motivating each other who are taking the same challenge to continue the challenge. Therefore, the journey will become less stress, more pleasure, more bonding with each other and users will finish the challenge and hit their goals day by day. A handsome reward comes after when the user had completed a challenge.

Hae Boleh

Hae Boleh


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