Is there anything I can immerse in? This is a Drawing that shows enthusiasm that keeps you crazy. Do what you really like. Makoto
Procreate にて描画いたしました。線画を使わずにベタ塗りベースで進めた作画です。作画の模様をタイムラプスムービーで収録しております。ビデオはAdobe Spark & Premiere Rushで編集しております。私の作品を見つけてくださりありがとうございます。Makoto

Draw with Procreate. This is a drawing made on a solid base without using line drawings. The design is recorded in a time-lapse movie. The video is edited with Adobe Spark & Premiere Rush. Thank you for finding my work. Makoto
Is there anything I can immerse in? This is a Drawing that shows enthusiasm that keeps you crazy. Do what you really like. Makoto
Sapporo Guitar Girl


Sapporo Guitar Girl

Draw with Procreate. This is a drawing made on a solid base without using line drawings. The design is recorded in a time-lapse movie. The video Read More
