Dominika Plockas profil

LSU - Printed Materials

In September 2019 I teamed up with University of Leicester Students' Union to help them create various designs they needed - both for print and digital media. Below you will find two examples of printed materials I designed for them.

Budgeting Advice Booklet

Format: 16pp A5 Booklet

The Audience: University of Leicester Students

My Role: I created the design, layout, and some graphic elements for the budgeting booklet, based on the copy provided in the brief and adhering to the brand guidelines.

The Challenge: The most challenging part of this project was a tight deadline, which I dealt with by prioritising and re-organising the workload, as well as staying in touch with the LSU Team throughout the process to confirm some of the design decisions and therefore reducing the number of amends. Another challenge was making a very pragmatic content of the booklet more compelling for the Students, which was achieved by use of colour, playful illustrations, and alternating the layout of the pages.

Support Leaflet

Format: A5 Bi-fold Leaflet

My Role: Using the existing design draft, I accommodated the new copy supplied, as well as made the design more aesthetically pleasing.

The Challenge: The biggest challenge here was to improve the design, while keeping the core of it. I achieved this by fixing the composition and hierarchy issues, as well as adding the secondary colour to make the design more vibrant.

LSU - Printed Materials

LSU - Printed Materials
