Henkilön Jon Spencer profiili

Case Study: Event Curation & Photography

As a part of the programme of events for the London Festival of Architecture 2012, members of the Article 31.1 collective, including Jon Spencer, designed and built a giant board game. The purpose of the game was to encourage participants to find new, playful ways to engage with the city of London.
These are a selection of Jon's images recording the prepartion of the game and the various events we organised or joined in over the course of the Festival.
Assembling the game board for the first time.
In the workshop.
The first event was held at Workshop 44 in the Regent Estate, Hackney. Running over the opening weekend of the Festival this included an exhibition, craftivist workshop and paper boat building amongst other things.
The Game at our opening party.
The Craftivist workshop
Paper boats made from the printer's waste from our publicity posters.
Our second event involved taking over the adventure playground at Weaver's Fields in Bethnal Green - normally only open to childrem, and normally closed on a Sunday - we opened the doors to all comers on the middle Sudnay of the Festival. Kite making, ping pong & parkour workshops were part of the fun.
For our third event we took our giant game board to the First Thursday melee at Vyner Street.
For our last event we joined in with the Olympicnic at Arnold Cirucus.
For more about this project, see the project blog at 31point1.tumblr.com.
The members of Article 31.1 were: Ella Ackroyd, Jayden Ali, Oliver Dawkins, Shelley Jones, Hwei Fan Liang, Mark Oliver and Jon Spencer.
Case Study: Event Curation & Photography

Case Study: Event Curation & Photography

A game and associated events designed to encourage participants to find new, playful ways to engage with the city of London conceived as part of Lue lisää
