Ball Is Life 
Z75/75mm f/4.5 ISO640
Taken at golden hour, this photo features a basketball being passed in mid-air. 
Andy's Favorite Toy
Z90/99mm f/4.5 ISO640
After the release of Toy Story 4 this photo was taken as Buzz runs to return Little Bo-Peep's cain.
Home Video
Z75/75mm f/7.1 ISO640
Set up in the midst of moving into a new home, this interview was set up for Taylor about his position with the record label Major Empire. 
Game of Thrones
Z92/90mm f/8 ISO640
Game of Thrones has come to an end. Fans who enjoyed the show were heartbroken by the show ending. The mug represents the thought we all have when our favorite show ends.
A Walk In My Shoes
Z40/40mm f/6.3 ISO640
This local shoe salesman sells new and used designer shoes. This is a photo featuring him in his new store.
Cards Under Attack
Z86/86mm f/7.1 ISO640
Making it debut in the early 2000s UNO Attack was never as popular as the original game but it was the first choice for slow shutter speed.
By The Waterfront
Z30/29mm f/16 ISO640
Stretching approximately 100 miles the Pugent Sound is the third largest estuary in the U.S.
The Castle
Z30/29mm  f/13 ISO 640
Although the location is University of Tampa, this building is often referred to as "The Castle".

