My family asked me to print off posters of our favourite Theatre Under the Stars productions we’d been to (a local ‘musical theatre in the park’ group) to line our upstairs hallway. But when I looked into the original Broadway posters for all the shows in question, I wasn’t that impressed. Plus they didn’t all look like a family.
What’s a designer to do?

I decided to give myself a brief, just for the heck of it: do all the posters as part of a mock ‘rebrand’ of TUTS, communicating things like ‘intimate', ‘small' & ‘special', 'huddled under the night sky', and a bit of ‘vintage' to commemorate how long they’ve been around. 

Then I added more directives: they all had to have a common starry/burnt edge border,
an ownable colour, and use a half-toned grayscale image somewhere. 

Oh, and the only font I’m allowed to use is Futura. For everything.

And this is where I ended up.
TUTS Posters

TUTS Posters
