Профиль Renate Frotscher

Hitsplitter - Comparative search


There you have it, another billion results on Google. Where did they come from? Use Hitsplitter to splice and dice Google search results:
- Find out where Amos Lee or Noam Chomsky are most popular.
- Check where in the world your company or brand name occurs most.
- View the relative popularity of your name, brand or favourite band.
- See in what countries your work is still unknown.
- Create your own web popularity graph or web world map.

Made for journalistsbrand watchers,marketerslinguistsetymologists,cybergeographists and other curious folks.

Introduction video
Irad Lee (sound & basic editing) en Menno Steenvoorden (movie )
All your data on one big page

Larger web world map

A compare search
Comparative search: Iphone versus Android : http://www.hitsplitter.com/saved_multi_gc0vy1yl5p8tiio5

Icons for TLD’s like Net, Org, Edu, Info, et cetera. 
Hitsplitter - Comparative search

Hitsplitter - Comparative search

Hitsplitter.com, a nifty tool for comparative search. Use it to scan and compare many keywords across many sites, up to 250 simultaneously. Devel Развернуть
