It’s Everyone’s Game provides the U.S. Soccer Foundation with a platform to connect with soccer fans, grow the sport in the United States, and promote the foundation’s goal to build 1,000 mini-pitches across the country by 2026. The program website acts as a hub where parents and players can locate nearby mini-pitches, learn how the fields are funded and built, and see how the Foundation is making a positive, tangible impact. It’s Everyone’s Game encourages soccer fans to see a part of themselves in the U.S. Soccer Foundation and contribute to the work that they do.

As a lifelong soccer fan, I was proud to bring this campaign to life by developing the platform branding, messaging, and pitch crest identity.

A visual identity system was created so that every new mini-pitch would have a unique, customizable crest that reflects the community supporting it. This approach aimed to link the sport that fans love with the meaningful action they want to be a part of, while establishing a connection with the Foundation based on shared values.

To date, over 150 mini-pitches have been built across the United States, and over 70,000 youth soccer players have engaged with the program. Over 200 municipal, corporate, and community partnerships were involved in sponsoring local mini-pitches, such as Adidas, Target, and Major League Soccer.

It's Everyone's Game

It's Everyone's Game
