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Emotions Engineering (CC4262) - Influencing Emotions

CC4262 - Emotions Engineering
~ Task Description

Students who are taking Emotions Engineering (CC4262) module for the AUG2019 - DEC2019 semester were tasked to work on a collaborative task. In a group of 2, they were tasked to create a "collaborative" short video which depicts and attempts to influence a certain emotion of choice to the audience.

Team Members:
   1. Awang Muizzuddin Asyur bin Awang Mat Japar
   2. Mohamad Haziq Wa'ie bin Husaini
~ Pre-Production

The pre-production phase of the task started with a group discussion between the students; Deciding which emotions they are going to incorporate into their videos in their respective groups. Then each group sketched their own storyboards and shared among themselves. The group also discussed their scheduled filming days as the main actor is shared between the groups. The object of interest was also decided to be a key-chain.

For our group, we have selected the theme of "Anger" for our video and made our storyboard which depicts the main actor experiencing moments that annoyed him as illustrated within the storyboard above.
~ Production

The filming for the "Anger" video was done at Pantai Tungku, during the afternoon with a crew of 3.
~ Post-Production

The footage captured were imported into our preferred video editing software which is Adobe Premiere Pro CC. The scenes were assembled, sound effects were added and color adjustments were applied.
~ Theme

The theme of the video is "Anger". This is depicted by the main actor facing annoying situations repeatedly; As he gradually suspects the keychain he has been holding on brings to him bad luck. It all come to a head when he decided to throw the keychain away into the sea as he decided quickly that he had enough.
~ Storyline

The main actor decided to have a short jog at Pantai Tungku. As he does his routine, he keeps on tripping on objects which apparently appear without him knowing. As he experienced much in his previous days; He started to realize that the keychain has to do something with his new acquired bad luck. After repeated trips on the ground, he decided he has enough and went on to discard the keychain he was holding to the sea.
~ Colour Adjustments

There were minor colour adjustments added into the video where the earlier scenes had a blueish tone and towards the end, reddish tone. The blueish tone is intended to emphasize the calm and neutral nature of the main actor as he just begin his jogging routine. The reddish tone is to emphasize the gradual anger he is experiencing.
Emotions Engineering (CC4262) - Influencing Emotions

Emotions Engineering (CC4262) - Influencing Emotions
