Profil użytkownika „Juan Garcia”

Tlālōquê - Level Design

Tlālōquê, sets you in the role of a priest of Tlaloc. In this level you are set to venture forth into the sacred shrine of Tlaloc, after a series of uncontrollable natural disasters hit your civilization. You learn that the balance of the world has been lost and in order to protect the world you must bring balance into the temple. By collecting the 4 aspects of the world; Light, Water, Life and Time, you will allow time to continue and nature will remain under control by the four Tlalocs that hold time together.
Event 1
On the first event the player must bring life into the world. In order to do that he must collect the essences of Lightning or Light, and the essence of water.
When trying to obtain the last essence of lightning, the player will fall into a water pit, where the essence of water is located. By using stones as projectiles, he will be able to hit a switch that will allow him to gain access to the essence.
Event 2
After locating the essence of water, life will start to grow within the temple, but  it's still very weak. The player must aid nature in order to obtain the essence of life.
A puzzle encounter will test the player by giving him the ability to carry life through a number of spaces, if the player enters a dead space, he will bring life forth into the tile, but if the space already has life, the player’s presence will steal the energy.
Once life is spread through out the whole room, the essence of life will spring forth giving the
player the ability to control life at will, including his own as he is now able to heal himself.
Event 3
To enter the third and final event, the player must first go through an underwater tunnel. While he is moving through the space, life will follow him around, including a set of hostile branches that will hold him in place. The player must struggle to break free all the while slowly drowning.
Once he reaches the end of the tunnel, he will find that the world as he knows it is no more and is greeted by a place where time and space collide with the physical environment. Here the player will be able to obtain the final aspect of the world, the essence of time.
End Sequence
After the player obtains the essence of time, he will be teleported into the spirit realm, where he will be greeted by Tlaloc. He then will be told that thanks to his efforts, nature is now back under the control of the four Tlalocs and time will be able to move forward,
thus extending the sun cycle and preventing time from collapsing.
Level Playthrough
Tlālōquê - Level Design

Tlālōquê - Level Design

A fully playable level made in UDK. The goal of the project was to design an interesting and engaging level, focusing only on the design and game Rozwiń

