How to handle your Halloween contact lenses while travelling

Halloween is about here and we know you are more than prepared for Halloween. Now, so many of you guys are going to head out for once a year, Halloween party in some other location. And to attend that major event you have to travel via train or airplane with your costume and Halloween contact lenses. But, travelling with those delicate and important Halloween lenses is not that an easy task. You have to take care of them and yourself with those Halloween contacts while travelling.

So let us discuss some important tips for travelling with Halloween contact lenses.

1. Do not wear Halloween contacts while in a flight.

Most of the time your Halloween contact lenses would be daily disposable lenses so you would never take them out before the event. But, if by chance you have weekly or two weekly disposable lenses, make sure you are not wearing them while in a flight. Firstly, Halloween contact lenses are better to be worn when needed. That is because they cover the eyes, which hinders the provision of oxygen. Secondly, in flight the humidity levels are quite low compared to what they are while you are on the ground, which will dry up your eyes very quickly. In both cases your eyes will dry up and you may damage the health of your eyes. Wear them when they are needed.

2. Make sure you have everything with regards to your Halloween eye contacts.

While leaving for that awaited event, make sure you have packed everything with regards to your Halloween contact lenses. You may have certain accessories that come with Halloween lenses, so have them packed alongside your Halloween lenses. Do not forget because you were too excited to get on your flight. Forgetting something will increase your expenses as you may need to buy them again and getting hold of accessories of Halloween lenses is not easy, especially if you are in another country.

3. Pack an extra pair of Halloween contacts in your hand carry.

It is always to keep an extra pair of Halloween contact lenses. That is because you may have to wait longer than expected for your luggage to arrive. It is a very common occurrence where your luggage gets delayed. This may delay you and you may just miss out on the event you were so dearly waiting for. So keep one pair in your hand carry while the other is placed in the luggage. This will help you in times of unexpected emergencies.
You have to be prepared for anything and make sure you are not missing out on a once in a lifetime event.

4. Daily Disposable Halloween contacts are the best

For Halloween parties and events such as these it is always best to pack daily disposable Halloween contact lenses. That is simply because you are going to use them only once, most probably. Secondly, you will free up a lot of space with daily disposable lenses in your bags as you would not need to carry those solutions and other accessories that are usually a part of weekly disposable lenses. And some countries have different laws about carrying certain fluids so you may not be allowed to carry such solutions. So it is always best to stay on the safer side.

5. Brand Names are worthwhile

Before you go out on your road to your favourite Halloween event, it is better to keep in mind to buy only from brand that are well renowned around the globe. That should not be difficult, you can do a little research on the internet and that would do the trick.
That is because you may need a pair of Halloween lenses when you arrive, or may need the solution. Anything could be required, so in that case you can easily find the replacement and purchase it from that brand.
At least purchase your Halloween contacts from a brand which is there in the country you are travelling.

6. Keep them clean

This tip is in case where you buy weekly disposable contact lenses, as you may want to attend more than one event. In that case, your Halloween lenses may collect dirt or debris particles as you do not know about how clean the air is on foreign land.
Make sure your lenses are cleaned properly. Keep them clean through the solution which comes with your Halloween contact lenses. Clean it properly and put them in their storage cases filled with solution. Also, clean your storage cases before putting in your lenses, never add more to the already present solution in the case. Clean it first and then add fresh solution in the case and then place the lenses.

7. Give proper rest to your eyes.

Lastly, make sure your eyes are well rested after the event. We know how long these events can be and you want to look your best while attending the event. So when you get back, take of your lenses, re-wet your eyes with drops and later wash them with cold water. The health of your eyes matters folks. Halloween contacts are fun if done safely.
Halloween contact lenses

Halloween contact lenses


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