SUI LU's profile

You are been watched

You are being watched
——Internet Privacy
Do you have the same experience: You were chatting about getting a cat with your friends and didn't post anywhere on the Internet. Then one hours later, you saw the ads about cat food pop up in the facebook.
Nobody like to be spied on. When you're innocently browsing the web, it's deeply unpleasant to think that faceless technology corporations are monitoring and recording your every move.
The typography combine a bold and regular typeface with eye element which represents the surveillance on the Internet, trying to warn and impress people about this serious social issues with scaring visual language. Colours are picked up from the logo of Facebook who was fell into the most serious problem about privacy nowadays.
The book use two binding method including butterfly binding and saddle stitching (Smaller one).Some useful advice are given in this smaller book which use the colour scheme of google to highlight the aiming target—social media and the Internet.
A set of things including business card, checklist were designed to ensure that people can really participate into this campaign by following the steps to protect their own privacy.
You are been watched

You are been watched
